
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you`re spending great your holidays. I wish to everyone to get what they want for Christmas and one great and beneficial 2011!

~1h in Photoshop CS2


Yay! I have a blog too!

Hello! I decided to delete my website, which I can`t update regularly and to make my own blog. Now here I am, making my first publication. Now I will show you some of my favourite self-portraits. I think this could be a good start, it`s one big part of my art after all. :)

В очакване на бебе №2

Дните се нижат и ти се струва, че все по-бавно се влачат дори, а всъщност 9 месеца минават като няколко кратки мига, от които остават поняко...