

Back to the Academy

I`m second year in the Academy now and you can see how we work :)

50/70; oil on cardboard

And here it is my friend Vili:

And here we are the whole group! We were 7 last year but some things happened and now we`re just 3, but we really have so much fun together:

Besides drawing in the Academy, I don`t have a time for that right now. I started a job and my whole life is so intensive in the moment. It`s hard to work and study at the same time, but I`ll get use to it, or I hope I will. :)



Gouache on paper; Size 9/13cm
This was a birthday present for one of my best friends. On the picture is she with her boyfriend as caricatures. I should do things like that more often, it`s funny :)

Meanwhile I made some photos of me these days and I can show the results here:


Self-portrait 13/08/2011

Gouache on paper; Size A5

I really like how that turned out. On that work you can see my favourite stuff like books, my dog, painting etc.
Something similar as idea is one of the recent photos which I took:

I had to do some changes in Photoshop, because the photo itself has a bad quality, because my camera is broken and I`m using the camera of my new phone, which is not so bad, but still... it`s not the same...
By the way, I`m planing to make some photos with my old Konica Pop camera, we`ll see what would happen ;). Just these days I`m a little obsessed with photography :)


Self-portrait 24/07/2011

Self-portrait; gouache
Another one self-portrait for practice. :)

Virgin Mary with baby Jesus

Virgin Mary with baby Jesus; Size 10/15cm 

 Finally I`ve did it! This is my first real icon and I made it with egg tempera on wood. I`m very happy with the result and I hope you like it too.
For first attempt  I`ve used this reference. In that kind of art you just can`t draw whatever you want, there is canons, so I`m going to make copies for now.



The latest art from me

Ok, in this post I will show you my works from the second semester in the academy:

These are some of my drawings, with the woman figure I`m not really satisfied, but I`m glad that I had the chance to draw nude male, because I don`t really have many male drawings. The third one turned out good, I think. :)

Well, this is it for now, but soon I will post something new and guess on what I`m working now? Ha, that`s right, another self-portrait! :D And also one little orthodox icon, this art is really captivating!

Have a great summer!


Summer time

Hello again! Let me tell you what`s going around me lately:

1. My first year in the academy is over with good results on the exams. I was a little worry for the chemistry, but I had luck to get an easy theme to speak. It`s passed now and I`ll not worry for exams until february. :)

2. I was on practice in The Rila Monastery for 2 weeks and I should tell you, if you`re coming to Bulgaria, visit this monastery, because it`s magical place. You can find more information for it here. And stay for the night there, it`s very different then. So that was 2 weeks without television, internet and mirrors! Very refreshing it was. As for the work, if you see some tourist photos from there with some people working on the gates with brushes and instruments, probably one of them is me. :) We were like the animals in the zoo, big attraction. Here is some photos from the practice:

We restored some of the scenes on the gates. I worked on The Samokov Gate.

3. I want to show you also my works from academy. I`m pretty satisfied with the copy of the orthodox icon, not so happy with my mural techniques, but I will do better next year.
Here it is my copies of icons - technological and fully copy: 

My mural techniques:

And the drawings and paintings I`ll show on single post. ;)


End of second semester

Well, I`m studying for the exams, I`m finishing all school projects... Eventually I will post them here. This year I`ve learned a lot for murals(I actually did a few techniques) and for technological part of painting on wood and canvas. I`m making at the moment copy of Christian icon in orthodoxy style. I quit my job, so I can take my time to study. At the end of June we`re going to have a practice in church or monastery. I`m very excited about that! It will be fun, I`m sure for this. When the summer vacation comes, I promise to update more often this blog with personal drawings. :)
So, I think this is the new from me. ;)

Here is one of my friend from the academy. I was bored by our model in drawing classes, so I draw the 2 of my colleagues while they drawing:

Venelina & Violeta; 50/70cm


New self-portraits

I have a 2 new personal works from that week.
I have a new shoes and I decided to paint on them. What do you think about the result?

And the second is from today:

Self-portrait; Acrylic on cardboard


So busy...

I don`t have much time for personal drawings, but I can show 2 works from last week. I`m really trying to improve my drawing from photos. :)

Oil on cardboard; 20/25cm
Reference here.

Oil on cardboard; 20/25cm
Reference here.



One work, which I started before some time, but I didn`t finish it until today. It wasn`t even violet at the beginning, but I like how it turned out.
Reference here.

~2h in Photoshop CS 2


End of semester

The end of the first semester of my first year in National Academy of Arts, Sofia is coming. So, this semester we draw one model mostly. I`m submitting my drawings of her, I hope you will like them. :)

Drawing 1; 46/55cm

Drawing 2; 46/55cm
Drawing 3; 46/55cm

Drawing 4; 46/55cm

Oil; 46/55cm

Drawing 5; 50/70cm

В очакване на бебе №2

Дните се нижат и ти се струва, че все по-бавно се влачат дори, а всъщност 9 месеца минават като няколко кратки мига, от които остават поняко...