
My sister

I started 2011 with one pencil portrait of my sister Slavina. I think it`s the best which I did on her. Maybe because she was more patient this time :) *

Slavina 01.2011; A4; pencil

* I also did one work based on this sketch:
Slavina 01.2011; 14,5/18cm; gouache

I`ve made a few others portraits of her. You can see it below:

Slavina 12.2009; 50/70cm; oils
Slavina 06.2009; Photoshop CS2; tablet
Slavina 2007; charcoal; A3

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В очакване на бебе №2

Дните се нижат и ти се струва, че все по-бавно се влачат дори, а всъщност 9 месеца минават като няколко кратки мига, от които остават поняко...