
Back to the Academy

I`m second year in the Academy now and you can see how we work :)

50/70; oil on cardboard

And here it is my friend Vili:

And here we are the whole group! We were 7 last year but some things happened and now we`re just 3, but we really have so much fun together:

Besides drawing in the Academy, I don`t have a time for that right now. I started a job and my whole life is so intensive in the moment. It`s hard to work and study at the same time, but I`ll get use to it, or I hope I will. :)

В очакване на бебе №2

Дните се нижат и ти се струва, че все по-бавно се влачат дори, а всъщност 9 месеца минават като няколко кратки мига, от които остават поняко...